EK bio photo


Totally not a hacker

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My security bookmarks collection.

All that things I need to pass OSCP, i think =)


Security Blogs

Security Forums

Security Methodologies


Pentest Tools

Pentest Lab ISO-VMs


Net Scanners

Man-in-the-middle attack

Phase 1 - Reconnaissance: Information Gathering before the Attack

Phase 1.1 - People and Orginizational

Phase 1.2 - Infastructure

Phase 1.2 - Tools

Phase 2 - Enumeration: Finding Attack Vectors

Phase 3 - Exploitation: Verifying Security Weaknesses

Dump Windows Password Hashes

Windows Passhing The Hash

Windows Previlige Escalation

Linux Previlige Escalation

Tunneling & Port Forwarding

XSS Cheat Codes


SQLi General Resources

MySQLi Resources

MSSQLi Resources

Oracle SQLi Resources

Postgres SQLi Resources

SQLite Resources

RFI/LFI Tutorials

NASM Tutorial

Buffer Overflow Tutorial

Exploit Development

Exploits and Shellcodes

Reverse Engineering

OS Cheat Sheets and Script Syntax

Passwords Wordlists, Hashes, Tools

InfoSec Hiring

IT Certifications
